Book presentation: Confronting the caliphate: Civil resistance against jihadists
Confronting the caliphate: Civil resistance against jihadists by Isak Svensson, Daniel Finnbogason, Dino Krause, Luis Martinez Lorenzo, Nanar Hawach
Although it is highly repressive, the transnational rule of jihadists knows in the depths of its self some forms of non-violent civil contestation and resistance that contrast with the hardness of its authoritarianism.
Held at the Danish Institute for International Studies in Copenhagen, this book launch led by PAVE researcher and WP3 lead Isak Svensson and three of his colleagues questions the uncontested hold of jihadist regimes on society by showing that non-violent resistance against their power is in fact widespread throughout the world, relying on both formal and informal channels of protest.
Link to watch the recording of the event on Youtube.
This conference on the book Confronting the caliphate: Civil resistance in jihadist proto-states will eventually be a fascinating opportunity to return to the springs of civil resistance by showing its ins and outs as well as how it can be more broadly fostered within jihadist societies.