Open Think Tank
Open Think Tank is a private, independent, non-profit think tank, established in Iraq in 2013. It aims to provide policy papers to the public in general, policy makers, and academics on issues related to peace in Iraq. The research scope of the organization includes narrative of Jihadi groups; Counter Violent Extremism (CVE); gender and peace; minorities and peace; local peacebuilding processes – including the role of local religious leaders and state officials. The organization has conducted research projects mostly in Iraqi Kurdistan and contested areas such as Nineveh plain.
OTT will be leading fieldwork in Iraq together with UU. Moreover, OTT will lead field research on cumulative extremisms (WP3) and religious and state institutions (WP4), carried out particularly in Nineveh and Kirkuk provinces, which have experienced the impact of war and violence. In doing so, OTT will provide the local knowledge and cultural awareness necessary for identification of participants and risk analysis. OTT will also organize stakeholder and policy workshops to inform the project and disseminate its findings.
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