Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy
The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) is a private, independent, nonprofit-making think tank, established in Athens, Greece, in 1988. Its mission is to conduct policy-oriented research and provide policy makers, academics and the public at large with authoritative information and substantiated policy recommendations, so as to contribute to the development of evidence-based responses to major European and foreign policy challenges. ELIAMEP’s expertise spans over a wide range of geographic and functional areas: EU institutions and policies; migration management, security, international relations and conflict resolution; transatlantic relations; democracy, human rights and civic participation; good governance and the rule of law; religion and culture; the role of the media in the era of fake news; energy and climate change.
As WP6 leader ELIAMEP will especially work on the development of a risk map and of a toolkit, as well as lead the analysis and comparisons on cross-regional vulnerability and resilience factors to violent extremism. Moreover, ELIAMEP will be co-leading fieldwork in Kosovo and North Macedonia with KCSS, and will be conducting fieldwork on cumulative extremisms (WP3) and on online and offline (de-) radicalization (WP5). Finally, our team will also help to develop the concept and methodology of the project.
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